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Updates to Single Letter Tryout Groups, A call for goalies in U9 & U11

Good day Dollard Hockey. As we are approaching the end of October I hope all of you are getting excited for the start of hockey. For single letters U13 and above the hockey season will be starting Oct. 15th, while U11 single letters will be starting Oct. 22nd. Find below updates for Single Letters and goalies.

Single Letter Tryouts

Updated tryout groups have now been posted to the website. For players that have been released from double letter tryouts please report to group 1 for your age category. If your name is not on one of the lists, please report to group 2. PLEASE NOTE: there has been NO UPDATE to the U11 groups.

Single Letter Tryout group sessions have now been added for the week of Sept. 26th to Sept 30th. Head to tryout section for more information. The weekend of Oct. 1st and 2nd is still currently in flux and will be posted later.

U9 & U11 Looking for Goalies

Has your child every wanted to try playing goalie? Did you know that for the younger age categories Dollard Hockey provides free of charge, Goalie Pads, Chest Protector, Glove and Blocker. If your child is interested, contact us at to arrange to borrow some equipment.


Please note we are following government policy with respect to COVID. If you have COVID please refrain from coming to the rink until 5 days after you have tested positive. You are then required to wear a mask for the 5 following days (on and off the ice). If there is a COVID positive case in your household ,please wear a mask for 10 days following the positive test.


Parents/players must update and complete their registration information on HCR prior to the season so that they can be placed on teams. Information such as the following but be complete:

  • Birth Country

  • Citizenship

  • Ethnicity

  • Identify as Indigenous

  • Proof of residency

To update your registration please use the following link below and follow the steps below.

  1. Go to

  2. Click on Login (located on top right of page)

  3. Enter in user name and password

  4. Click on the person icon on top right of page

  5. Click on My Account

If you have a warning about missing documents or waivers, please complete the registration process. While you are in your account, please ensure that you remove incorrect and duplicate contact data.

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